vastus lateralis
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Applied anatomy for newborn musculus vastus lateralis injection
Objective To provid appied anatomical basis for newborn musculus vastus lateralis injection .
Quantitative Analysis of Surface Electromyogram of Vastus Lateralis Muscle around Anaerobic Threshold
Clinical Application of Free Anterolateral Thigh Flap Combination with Vastus Lateralis Flap
Application of Doppler in the skin flap of vastus lateralis
The myoelectric signals collected from vastus lateralis during repetitive knee flexion-extension exercise was analyzed .
Applied Anatomy of the Vastus Lateralis Myocutaneous Flap
Quantitative analysis of surface EMG amplitude and frequency of vastus lateralis and rectus femoris musculi during xu-bu exercise
The Change of Musculus Vastus Lateralis EMG in the Process of Maximal Load with oblique Squatting and the Effect of Acupuncture and Static Extension on Recovery Process
Divide the vastus lateralis and vastus intermedius muscles in the direction of their fibers and open and reflect the periosteum for the proper distance .
The results of soleus muscle was similar to vastus lateralis . ( 2 ) The automated image analysis results of vimentin and nebulin by immunohistochemistry were similar .
One year after left total knee arthroplasty , the dynamic surface electromyogram signals of left vastus lateralis is much lower than that of right vastus lateralis in a gait cycle .
Result Operation performed via posterior approach with quadrate muscle flap in 14 cases , anterior approach with sartorius muscle flap in 12 cases , and vastus lateralis flap in 16 cases .
Ascending branch of the distribution of the tensor fascia lata and sartorius ; descending branch of the distribution of the quadriceps lower and knee ; transverse branch wear the vastus lateralis muscle to the femur behind .
Twenty healthy male students from Beijing University of Physical Education served as the subjects . The mean power fequency ( MPF ) and the integrate electromyogram ( IEMG ) of the surface electromyogram of the vastus lateralis muscle were studied during an incremental exercise .
This research applied near infrared spectroscopy ( NIRS ) and surface electromyogram ( sEMG ) to clarify the characteristics of muscle oxygen content ( oxy-Hb · Mb ) and myoelectric activity of the thigh vastus lateralis muscle in during exercises on the cycle ergometer .
Activation Characteristics of Vastus Medialis , Rectus Femoris and Vastus Lateralis Muscles in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis and Health Subjects
Anatomical abnormalities should be responsible for the condition , such as increased Q angle , a high-riding patella , dysplasia of the femoral condyles , abnormal shape of the patella , atrophy of the vastus medialis and hypertrophy of the vastus lateralis .